Editing is the process of selecting and preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media. the editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.

Editing is what you begin doing as soon as you finish your first draft. You reread your draft to see, for example, whether the paper is well-organized, the transitions between paragraphs are smooth, and your evidence really backs up your argument.

We define technical editing as:


  • Substantive editing of text for clarity of expression
  • Consistency of the terminology
  • Checking of table and other data


Classic symptoms of poor editing are inconsistencies in language and format, poor structure, factual inaccuracies and lack of consideration to the reader.
The technical editor’s aim is to make a document consistent both in language and format.
Style and presentation formats need to be consistent. All main headings should appear the same; subheadings should also appear the same, but appear less important than the main headings i.e. smaller font size.
The professional editors of IN & OUT Translation and Course Center will check your document for grammatical, spelling, tense, punctuation and typographical errors. They will also review word choice and sentence structure to ensure the logical flow and readability of your discussion, report or narrative. In addition, your document will be edited to achieve appropriate tone and style as well as clarity, conciseness and consistency. Entrust your documents to us and avail of our high-quality editing services. Our editing team comprises individuals with subject-specialized backgrounds and work experience. Our editors can therefore efficiently handle documents from diverse subject areas. Among our editors are master's degree holders, PhDs, and other experts in their respective academic domains.